Myth Busting: AI is Going to Take Over the World?

Madhumita Mantri
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are rapidly evolving fields, and with this advancement comes a surge of both excitement and fear. One of the most common misconceptions about AI is the myth that it will one day become so intelligent that it will take over the world and become a threat to humanity.

This fear is often fueled by science fiction movies and sensational media, which portray AI as autonomous robots that become self-aware and develop their own goals, often in conflict with ours. However, it is crucial to understand that this is simply not the current state of AI, nor is it a likely future outcome.

Here’s why the “AI takeover” myth doesn’t hold water:

  1. AI is not sentient: Current AI systems are not sentient beings. They are powerful tools that can learn and make decisions based on the data they are trained on, but they do not have their own independent thoughts, desires, or motivations.
  2. AI is goal-driven: AI systems are programmed with specific goals in mind, such as recognizing patterns in data, making predictions, or completing tasks. They cannot deviate from these goals and cannot develop their own desires to harm humans.
  3. Human control remains paramount: AI systems are ultimately under human control. We design, build, and train them, and we continue to have the power to shut them down or modify their programming if necessary.

While it is important to be cautious and responsible in the development and deployment of AI, there’s no need to be afraid of a robot uprising. Instead, we should focus on harnessing the immense potential of AI to improve our lives, address global challenges, and create a better future for all.

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Madhumita Mantri

I write about How to Empower Data and AI Innovation with 0 to 1 Product Mastery and Product Management Interview prep, Career Transition to PM!